Project AIM Professional Development Program
A professional development program that changes math discourse in elementary classrooms.

What is the Project AIM PD Program?

Project AIM is a year-long professional development program for early elementary grades teachers provided in a hybrid delivery through synchronous and asynchronous activities through a digital learning management system. A main feature of the program is identifying techniques used to support discourse in literacy instruction and adapting them so they make sense for mathematics.
Through three main modes of engagement–teachers as learners, see in action, and rehearse as teachers–participants in Project AIM:
-advance their own mathematical understandings of the content and pedagogy needed to improve the quality of discourse in their mathematics classrooms
-learn how to adapt literacy techniques to promote discourse in their mathematics instruction
-analyze classroom practice and student mathematical thinking
-learn how to scaffold and support all learners’ (including emergent multilingual learners) engagement with the mathematics and discourse in their classrooms
-embed discourse techniques into their mathematics lesson planning
-reflect individually and collaboratively on their instructional experiences and the nature of student mathematical discussions
Who participates in the Project AIM PD Program?
Project AIM is set up to be offered in your district! Our Facilitator Course prepares your math leaders to work with your teachers to transform math discourse in their classrooms.
– Teachers learn to promote high quality math discourse in their classroom using ready-to-implement techniques.
– The program includes synchronous and asynchronous meetings delivered through our learning management system. It is all ready to go!
Want to learn more? Contact us at
Where do the Project AIM PD sessions occur?
-The Project AIM PD sessions occur on online and on site within teachers’ and facilitators’ own school system.
-The Project AIM PD materials are housed and facilitated via a learning management system.
When do the Project AIM PD session meetings occur?
Project AIM is a 12-session PD program conducted over the course of an academic school year:
-6 synchronous session meetings during a summer institute
-7 synchronous session meetings during the school year (approximately once a month)
-in addition to asynchronous PD tasks to be completed between the session meetings
Why is the Project PD Program important?
-revisit and further their understanding of instructional techniques that promote and engage all learners in meaningful discourse
-encourage students to play an active role in communicating and co-constructing their mathematical understandings
-reflect on current practice based on successes and challenges they’ve experienced during implementation
A program designed to help teachers recognize, analyze, and aspire to implement high quality discourse in the mathematics classroom.