Teaching Algebra > Chapter 5

Teaching Algebra Chapter 5-Rate of Change
One of the major themes of school mathematics from elementary mathematics through calculus is change. Change is something that students experience every day. An innate human interest in change drove the development of mathematics through much of history. We often discuss change of a single variable, but we can also discuss how two things change in relationship to one another. The later is called rate of change. In this chapter we will first examine rate of change related to movement, both simulated and real using graphical representations. Next we focus on the informal language of rate of change and the use of tables to make sense of such descriptions. Finally, we introduce a representation of rate of change that is very helpful for beginning algebra students that you might not be familiar with, the DynaGraph.
This chapter could be used alongside two Modules within the Examining Students’ Practices (ESP) in Algebra and Function:
Module 3: Qualitative Analysis of Representations of Functional Relationships
Module 8: Using Dynagraphs to Explore Functions