Webinars and Conferences


  • Workshop on Undergraduate Teaching with Mathematics and Statisics Action Technologies. (June 7-9 and 16-18, 2021). A 6-day conference funded by NSF that provided opportunities for college instructors to learn about dynamic mathematics and statistics technologies that can be used in undergraduate courses for prospective secondary mathematics teachers. The workshop focused on how to use dynamic mathematics and statistics technology that prospective teachers use in their future classrooms such as GeoGebra, Desmos, Tuva, and CODAP. Conference organized by A. McCulloch and J. Lovett.


  • Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021). Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments [Invited Webinar]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. https://amte.net/content/ntli-award-webinar-using-framework-teach-preservice-mathematics-teachers-how-professionally
  • McCulloch, A.W., Lovett, J.N., & Cayton, C. (October 2021). Positioning ALL Students as Mathematics Explorers with Technology Tools. Invited Webinar for Mathematics Teacher: Teaching and Learning PK-12 Digital Equity and the Digital Divide, NCTM. https://www.nctm.org/online-learning/Webinars/Details/568
  • Lee, H. S. (August 2016). Designing Opportunities to Learn to Teach Statistics: Lessons from a MOOC for Educators. Invited webinar presentation for CAUSE.
  • Lovett, J. N.,Dick, L. K., McCulloch, A. W., & Sherman, M. F. (April 2018). Examining student practices on technological tasks through a lesson of professional noticingInvited webinar presentation for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
  • Nickell, J. (May 2015). Incorporating technology to enhance preservice teachers’ statistical reasoning and TPCK. Invited webinar presentation for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Link to archived webinar (AMTE login required)
  • Lee, H. S. (November 2014). Using animations to create teaching and learning scenarios for mathematics teacher educationInvited Webinar presentation given for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Link to archived webinar (AMTE login required) PDF of slides
  • Lee, H.S. (November 2009). Using Fathom to investigate univariate and bivariate distributions. Invited Webinar presentation given for the American Statistical Association. Link to archived webinar (Windows Media File)