Welcome to the Best Practice in K-12 Online Teaching (BPKOT) website!
Now more than ever before, K-12 educators need evidence-based information on how to teach online. Whether you are teaching fully online, in a hybrid setting, or are simply augmenting your regular face-to-face instruction with occasional online content, this mini-course is designed for you.
This ten-module course is entirely free. Complete only the modules that are important to you, or complete all of the modules and associated activities to earn a badge for completing this course from North Carolina State University.
Register for our FREE online and self-paced BPKOT Mini-Course
This course was developed with financial support from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences under subcontract to NC State University, via Contract 91990020F0350 to Grant Thornton Public Sector, LLC. Mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
We have conducted an extensive review of the research on what is evidence-based best-practice for K-12 online teaching and learning. What we found was that there are several Foundational Considerations that K-12 teachers need to keep in mind when moving online (Figure 1).

Through our systematic literature review findings, we constructed the K-12 Online Teaching Evidence-Based Framework – these are the pieces that the research has indicated are most important to include in a K-12 online course delivery format. You will see that many of these aspects are also included in what we consider best-practice in face-to-face instruction.