Project Team

Dr. Samantha A. Marshall, Principal Investigator
Dr. Marshall is an assistant professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences (TELS) at North Carolina State University. A first-generation college graduate, she received her B.S.E. in mathematics from Oklahoma Christian University, her M.A. from Columbia University, and her Ph.D. in Learning, Teaching & Diversity from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Marshall’s work lies at the intersection of teacher learning, justice-oriented mathematics education, and learning sciences. Motivated by the need to support teachers in learning anti-oppressive forms of education, her work seeks to design, investigate, and refine supports for teachers’ learning. Dr. Marshall’s research projects have spanned questions of teachers’ learning through professional development, how teachers’ learning is shaped by enactment in context, as well as how STEM teachers learn ambitious, asset-based, and culturally sustaining pedagogies. Drawing on sociocultural and sociopolitical theories, she uses ethnographic methods of data collection as well as critical discourse and interaction analysis methods to understand learning in context.
Hajra Fayyaz, Research Assistant