Recent Publications
Marshall, S. A. & Rivera, A. Q. (2023). More than multilingual: Investigating teachers’ learning to support multilingual students through an intersectional lens. The Educational Forum, 87(4), 362-376.
Note: If you would like to read an article that is not available via your institution, please send us an email and we’d be happy to share it!
Recent Presentations
Rivera, A. Q., Ambrosio, P., Marshall, S., & Byun, S. (2024, April). Inside secondary mathematics teachers’ sensemaking about linguistically marginalized students. Paper presentation at the #TeachingInColor Summit Research Symposium, Charlotte, NC, United States.
If you are a mathematics teacher who works with multilingual students in a middle or high school setting, we would like to invite you to participate in a research study to better understand how teachers think and learn about supporting multilingual students in mathematics.
This is a three-year project, and we would prefer to work with teachers who intend to participate in all three years of partnership 2023-2026 (although you may choose to withdraw at any time). Participation in the study will involve 3 to 10 interviews, classroom observations by researchers, and attending a few (3 to 7) one-hour workshops on pedagogies to support multilingual mathematics students. Additionally, we will provide one-on-one video-based coaching (2-7 times), and we plan to video-record some of your classroom lessons and use those video-recordings to think with you about ways to improve mathematics learning for multilingual students. Participants will receive a $1500 stipend each year.
Please email Dr. Marshall ( with any questions! If you are interested in participating in this study, please fill out the survey linked here: We recommend using an internet browser in private mode to better protect your identity.